Fortunate Me (variation of Fortunately/Unfortunately)
One person shares a goal, other players offer obstacles. Main player delightfully overcomes those obstacles.
One person shares a goal, other players offer obstacles. Main player delightfully overcomes those obstacles.
4 conversations about how to listen, acknowledge, and build
One person turns their back to the group and the rest of the group "gossips" about them in a positive way.
Participants tell a story of a shared (fictional) memory, adding details one at a time to create a cohesive picture and narrative.
Story is told one word or one sentence at a time
Pass out 2 colors of cards. Everyone answers "what does it look like when X topic is present (positive goal). One color puts down cards and builds out answers in paired yes, and conversations. Then switch roles.
One partner makes a emotional imperative statement and their partner enthusiastically accepts that perspective. Warm up with acceptance of who they are.
Players repeat the last line of dialogue before adding another detail
One person turns to the person next to them & makes a sound & motion,
person 2 responds with complementary sound & motion.
play is passed around the circle (2 to 3, etc.)
One person begins telling a true story and the instructor hands slips of paper with Emotion, Place, or Object for them to incorporate into their story.
One at a time, people add to create a moving, noise-making machine.