Zip Zap Zop
quick energizer game to unite a group
quick energizer game to unite a group
In pairs, players mirror one another's movements.
In a circle you must call someone else's name before a zombie gets to you.
One person turns to the person next to them & makes a sound & motion,
person 2 responds with complementary sound & motion.
play is passed around the circle (2 to 3, etc.)
In pairs or small groups players silently become non-human objects together
Players walk in different ways as prompted by the instructor
One player initiates with object work. The second player joins the scene by doing complementary object work, then verbally initiates by saying "You seem _______." Player 1 yes-ands, and so on.
Players pass a letter of the alphabet in pairs, focusing on receiving the emotion, embodying it and allowing it to evolve.
Player 1 initiates with object work. Player 2 joins the scene by doing object work that someone might also be doing in that environment.
One at a time, players step to the center of the circle and pretend to be a cat engaging in some sort of occupation. Other players try to guess what occupation it is. The winner is the next to step into the center.
The group silently walks around the room and stops and starts at the same time.