Magical Gifts
In pairs, each person gives a "magical" gift to their partner that relates to what their partner has shared with them.
In pairs, each person gives a "magical" gift to their partner that relates to what their partner has shared with them.
Players complete the sentence "I could tell you a story about...", responding to the facilitator's prompt of the nature of the story. The story is not told as part of the exercise.
The activity is aimed so that community or group grows closer and forms bonds through listening to each other's hearts.
A buzzing warm-up or energiser, suitable for groups of six to six hundred+ ... with hidden depths
You’ll multiply the powers of participants to engage with each other because they’ll feel really heard. When people feel heard, they connect. And until they feel heard, they aren’t inclined to trust, to work together, or to take interpersonal risks.
I've been using this for years as a Clean Language introduction, and recently submitted it as a candidate Liberating Structure because I'd love to see loads of other people trying it out.
Works in person or online.
The activity is aimed to get in touch with our own body, inner rhythm as well as rise awareness of people around us.
In a scene each person takes 3 beats before speaking