Virtual Bingo
A bingo game that is played throughout a live session using common virtual session occurrences.
A bingo game that is played throughout a live session using common virtual session occurrences.
Everyone covers their camera and one person makes a statement that is true about themselves. If it is true for others on the call, they show their face to the camera as well. The initiation for the next prompt is passed to another person in the group.
A fun, physical activity designed to help a group work on communication, problem solving, to understand roles of leader and follower within the group.
A fun energizer where one player must try and eliminate the rest of the team by winking - all without being caught.
Form hybrid groups combining in-person and remote participants and leverage the different possibilities of the different settings in a fun scavenger hunt.
A teamwork focused spin on the classic game, Musical Chairs. Participants must come up with creative ways to keep everybody "in" as chairs are removed!
The whole group imagines it is walking around on a plate balancing on a single fulcrum. Each person is partnered with another and must keep the plate balanced.
In 2 groups: One group is clay, and they close their eyes. The other group are sculptors.The sculptors build one sculpture out of all the `clay` players.
Get to know your group with a fun, physical game where teams take turns being human puppets and puppeteers.