Energizers and Ice Breaker Games
Revealing Metaphors: Quickly Reveal the Hidden, Unique Essence of Each Person’s Approach to an Activity (aka Jediplication; Speed Clean)
Help people to share their individual way of navigating an activity - such as doing their work, or attending an event - by combining the revealing power of metaphor with a series of simple interactions.
When people are hesitant to engage with each other, for example at the beginning of an event, you can help them to actively feel heard, and create a space where discovering and sharing rarely-noticed personal talents and insights becomes straightforward.
Once participants feel heard and have begun to share, they will be more inclined to trust, to work together, and to take interpersonal risks. And each person will have created an enduring personal image to carry with them and to share with others.
I've been using this for years as a Clean Language introduction, and recently submitted it as a candidate Liberating Structure because I'd love to see loads of other people trying it out.
Works in person or online, with six to 600+ people.
Draw me a cat 😸
A quick drawing activity to better understand neurodiversity.
Your Amazing Future (Because of that...)
With a series of prompts a surprising and amazing future is created.
1/2/3 - Snap/Clap/Stomp
In pairs count to 3. Then replace 1 with snap, 2 with clap, 3 with stomp
Lifeboat debate
In this debating game, participants imagine they are in an inflatable lifeboat that is running out of air. Each round, participants must state why they should remain on the boat and then vote on who should leave. Encourage critical thinking and develop presentation skills in this fun debating activity.
1, 2, 3.
With this energizer the idea is to introduce the topic of listening in a group that is going to work together.
Energizer "Clowns-1-2-3"
Lustige Aktivierung mit ernsthaftem Hintergrund
Energizer "Clowns' Maths"
Fun activation with serious background
Magische Dreiecke (remote)
Die Teilnehmenden bilden gleichseitige Dreiecke, ohne sich abzustimmen, und erfahren, wie Selbstorganisation eines Systems funktioniert, wie es sich kalibriert und empfindlich auf Veränderungen reagiert.
Name Bounce - energiser
For in-person groups who don't already know each other