Gap Analysis
Determine the gap between the present situation and a desired future state
Determine the gap between the present situation and a desired future state
A Focused Conversation to begin to process traumatic situations for use with colleagues, friends and family, and how to respond to them productively. Often traumatic events become undiscussable and this enables persons to talk about them
It has been used as a part of training of facilitators and as part of team building.
Easy and fun way to review content or atmosphere at the end of a group activity (or in between) in 1 minute.
Individual reflection helps to pick apart complex experiences so that the successes of the experience can be repeated and the failures can be avoided in the future. The format is flexible, taking you through key stages of the reflection process, and ending with key action points.
Door deze oefening raken studenten bekend met elkaars sterke en zwakke kanten, voor ze samen aan een project beginnen.
Applying a linear scale to gather a diversity of perspectives, opinions and responses.
Using Quote to inspire team and promote trust.
Easy and fun ways to review content or atmosphere at the end or in between group activity, in 2 minutes.
Even though Three Questions takes just a few minutes, it provokes the participants into reflecting for a long time.
This exercise can be used as a warm-up for project and other planning processes. It can also be used in team building.