Library of facilitation techniques

Warm Up Workshop Activities

Warm-up activities to kick-off a meeting, workshop or training session.
48 results
Peter Bettenbuch


The interview is a good warm up for every training or workshop session. Playful start in which the participants will start to communicate with and come to know each other, directing the thinking toward the topic of the day. It is usually a very cheerful activity.

Az interjú egy jó bemelegítés, jégtörő minden tréninghez vagy workshophoz. Játékos kezdés, amelyben a résztvevők elkezdenek megismerkedni és kommunikálni egymással, miközben a gondolataikat már a nap témája felé irányítjuk.

Hyper Island

Start Small

Any creative endeavour can generate a certain amount of anxiety. The first step is always the hardest… has anyone not heard that before?

In his book ‘Being Creative’, Michael Avatar suggests that we draw inspiration from the Zen Buddhist idea of the 'beginner's mind' - where everything is beginning. In a beginner's mind there is possibility, openness, curiosity: all qualities that are useful for an exploration of creativity. This activity is a short, grounding ideation and exploration that taps into the beginner's mind.