Library of facilitation techniques

Brainstorming Workshop Activities

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Myriam Hadnes

Walking Brainstorm

This introvert-friendly brainstorming technique helps groups of any size to generate and build on each other's ideas in a silent but dynamic setting. As the participants keep moving, the exercise is ideal to kick-off a full day workshop or re-energize the group after lunch.

Andrea Beliczki


Build on your ideas by looking at them from someone else's perspective. What would your favorite actor think of your concept? Would your president or prime minister endorse it? What if you were to switch hats with another organization? How would they change or build on your idea?

Concept Map

Studenten maken een Concept Map om concepten en thema’s te identificeren en de onderlinge relaties te visualiseren.

In een Concept Map kunnen de relaties en verhoudingen tussen ideeën, concepten en belangen schematisch weergegeven worden, zodat het verband met het centrale onderwerp of idee zichtbaar wordt.