Library of facilitation techniques

Debriefing Workshop Activities

Tools and techniques to debrief group activities and learning experiences
18 results
Alexandre Plennevaux

Debriefing: To keep / To change

2 columns on a wall, black board or white board. one with Header "To Keep", and the other "To Change".

Distribute post-its and markers.

Ask everyone to take 10 minutes to think about today, and identify What was to keep / To change ?? As many post-its as items.

Then sharing, one by one, explaining when necessary. Celebrate the "to keep", and

For the "what's to change", see if the group can commit to a solution for the next day.

Paola Ferrario

Domande e risposte galleggianti

La pianificazione dell'accettazione e della risposta alle domande è una delle parti più difficili dello svolgimento di una riunione, un workshop o una presentazione. Ci sarà abbastanza tempo per le domande e risposte? Il pubblico è disposto a fare domande? Quante domande faranno? Accetto le domande alla fine o per tutto il tempo? Come faccio a sapere se alle domande è stata data una risposta utile?

Robert from SessionLab

Experiential learning & Debriefing session

This is a practical training module to teach how to brief and debrief an exercise.

There is a strong 'meta' aspect in this session: you have a real experiential exercise during the session, and you will narrow down on the experience of how the briefing and the debriefing were done by the trainers.

This way participants will have the chance to first take part in a debriefing as participants, and then analyse the experience they just had.

Thiagi Group

Workers and Watchers

Blindfold half of the participants and ask them to lay a rope on the floor in the form of a circle. Conduct a quick debriefing involving the blindfolded workers and the watchers. Blindfold the other half and give them the task of laying the rope on the floor in the form of a triangle. Continue with the debriefing discussion.

Thiagi Group

Review Roulette

Games of pure chance discourage smarter players from mastering new skills and knowledge. Games of pure skill discourage weaker players from trying hard once they fall behind. An effective training game strikes a balance between chance and skill. That's exactly what Review Roulette does.

Thiagi Group

Artful Closer

This activity begins with reflection, proceeds through nonverbal communication, and ends in a discussion. You can use ARTFUL CLOSER to debrief participants after an experiential activity. You may also use it as the final activity at the end of a workshop. You may even use it as an opening ice-breaker by asking participants to think about common personal experiences. For example, I began a recent session on presentation skills by asking participants to process their experiences with the most inspiring speech they had ever heard.

Thiagi Group

Best Summary

Asking listeners to summarize your presentation from time to time is a good technique for encouraging people to listen carefully, take notes, and to review the content. Best Summaries uses this basic concept.