Library of facilitation techniques

Energizers and Ice Breaker Games

Energizers, energizer games, and ice breaker activities to bring energy into the room. Get people moving, have fun, and ensure your group's energy level is up and everyone is ready to have a productive workshop or meeting with great energizer activities.
44 results
Thiagi Group

Looking Around

Here's another jolt that explores one of our favorite themes: You have to unlearn something old in order to learn something new. A nice thing about this brief activity is that you don't need any supplies or equipment.

Moritz  Gekeler

Rock, Paper, Scissors (Tournament)

This is a fun and loud energiser based on the well-known “Rock, Paper, Scissor” game - with a twist: the losing players become the fan of the winners as the winner advances to the next round. This goes on until a final showdown with two large cheering crowds!

It can be played with adults of all levels as well as kids and it always works! 

Hyper Island

Count Up

In this short exercise, a group must count up to a certain number, taking turns in a random order, with no two people speaking at the same time. The task is simple, however, it takes focus, calm and awareness to succeed. The exercise is effective to generate calm and focused collective energy in a group.

Andy Pearson

A snapshot of my life

This exercise is great for building empathy amongst team members, and giving each participant a deeper understanding of their colleagues’ backgrounds (particularly great for international or remote teams). It'll also set a casual atmosphere for the workshop ahead.

Hyper Island

Hello Kitty

A simple and short group game all about trying to make each other crack a smile. Participants take turns being 'kitties' and 'puppies'. The puppies try to make the kitties crack a smile or laugh. The last kitty standing is the winner! An original from The Northern Quarter Agency.

Hyper Island

Shake Down

In this short and very physical energizer, the group shakes out their bodies one limb at a time. Starting with eight shakes of the right arm, then eight shakes of the left, eight shakes of the right leg, then eight shakes of the left. It continues with a round of four shakes of each limb, then two, then one, ending in a big cheer. A good energizer when time is limited and the main aim is to get people moving.