Warm Up Workshop Activities
An opening exercise to clarify expectations in any workshop or training situation
For participants to get acquainted with each other in a meaningful way
One Word Method
Creating a sentence relating to a specific topic or problem with each person contributing one word at a time.
Everyone is a Liar (Two truths and one lie)
Starting a meeting or after a break in a group where participants don't know each other or don't know much about each other
Get To Know You Better
This method helps groups to avoid awkward silence at the beginning of the session and instantly start a conversation. Ideal for large groups.
Punctuality Poker
A light way to encourage punctuality in any group event or meeting in which there are breaks
Game Breaks (Word Search) for Online Facilitation
Team energiser for a virtual classroom or web conference meeting
Have you ever...?
Human Spectrogram
Applying a linear scale to gather a diversity of perspectives, opinions and responses.
African Proverbs
Using African (and other) Proverbs for inspiration and connection