The Digital Revolution
The Digital Revolution activity aims to provide learners with a historical perspective on the evolution of digital technology and its impact on society. learners will engage in a collaborative timeline-building exercise to visualize key milestones in the digital revolution. Through this activity, learners will reflect on the rapid progression of technology and its implications for personal and professional pathways.
Begin by asking learners if anyone has heard of the digital revolution and what the term means to them.
Once learners have shared their perspectives, explain the concept of the digital revolution and its profound influence on society, economy, and culture. Use the following definition for reference.
Definition: The Digital Revolution, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, is the shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technologies from the Industrial Revolution towards digital electronics which began in the latter half of the 20th century, with the adoption and proliferation of digital computers and digital record-keeping, that continues to the present day. The digital revolution refers to the changes that have taken place because of the use of digital technologies, impacting communication, community formation, access to information, commerce, education, and entertainment.
Reflection Exercise
In groups or individually, ask participants to list the ways they use technology in their lives today (e.g., cell phones, computers, online calendars, etc…) and contrast it with how someone 30-40 years older might have used technology at their age (e.g., landlines, paper calendars, alarm clocks that used batteries, notepads etc…).
Facilitate a brief discussion or sharing session to explore the differences and similarities in technology use.
Ask learners what evolutions in digital technology they have witnessed over their own lifetimes ( emergence of new social media sites, changes in smartphone capabilities, online banking, etc…)
Do you remember any pivotal moments where technology changed how your Community operated/functioned?
Has there been any infrastructure upgrades or technological introductions to your Community that you can recall?
How has the Digital Revolution impacted your Community?
Help learners note how much things have changed and how quickly they have changed. The changes are visible not just at a generational level, but within generations too (i.e. the experiences of millennials born in 1981, who spent their childhood/adolescence without social media, and those born in 1996 who had facebook in middle school)
Timeline Activity
Let the learners know you’re going to do an activity to see how quickly technology has changed throughout the digital revolution, using a timeline of years.
Distribute sheets of paper (or have a digital visual) with details about significant events in the course of the digital revolution. It’s important to note that the dates of these events should not be included in the hand out to learners. See Appendix B for an example.
Each example should be on its own page/strip of paper/sticky note/digital sticky note; or learners should be provided with access to sticky notes (digital or physical) so they can take the information from their sheets and put it on individual sticky notes.
Learners can work individual or in groups to decide where on the timeline (either mapped as paper on the wall, or a digital whiteboard) each of the events should go.
Once they’ve decided, they can tape/post their item to each of the different years/dates on the wall.
Reminder learners that there is only one answer per year.
Optional modification: Have the group work together to build out a singular timeline. Give each learner a few of the events, and have the group discuss where each should go.
Timeline review
Once everyone is done, compare the timeline created by the learners, with the reference data and discuss similarities and differences. Invite learners to share why they posted certain events where they did.
Ask learners to add to the timeline with evolutions from their own communities.
Can you think of any digital changes that happened in your Community and remember the year it happened to add to the timeline?
Facilitate the debrief using the debrief questions provided.
In person:
Determine how to lay out the timeline in the physical space that you have - you can use a whiteboard, use sticky notes on the wall, or paper taped to the wall. Each year should have its own spot on the timeline.
Create sheets of paper with details for each point on the timeline. Ensure sufficient copies for all learners, and ensure the sheets don’t include dates (see attached handout)
Provide learners with sticky notes so they can post their responses to the appropriate section of the timeline. Colour code the sticky notes and assign colours to groups for easy tracking.
Choose a whiteboard app and create the timeline with moveable notes for virtual interaction.
Colour-code the sticky notes and assign colours to groups for easy tracking.
Technology Considerations
In-Person: No technology is required for this activity.
Virtual: If conducting the activity online, ensure learners have access to a video conferencing platform or collaboration tools for pairing up and sharing their ideas. Prepare the breakout groups in advance.
Additional Context
Consider updating the timeline with any new, relevant or emerging digital innovations.
Tips for Localization
Ask learners if there are any missing examples that might be specific to their region of community.
Invite learners to consider any evolutions of Northern specific technology - what have they noticed about how things that are useful for life in the North have evolved over their own lifetime, their parents, grandparents lifetimes, etc.
Invite learners to also consider evolutions of technology that are specific to areas they are interested in - have they noticed any new innovations that relate to a hobby they are passionate about? Trades or careers that they are in? Land based activities?
Debrief Questions
Were you surprised at how quickly things had changed in less than 100 years?What specific changes or advancements surprised you the most on the timeline, and why?
How do you think the digital revolution has impacted the way we communicate, learn, and stay connected with others?
What do we gain with the digital revolution? Is there anything we lose, or are at risk of losing?
Reflect on the timeline activity—what specific points surprised you, and how do you see technology impacting daily life in northern communities?
Consider the role of technology in preserving cultural practices. How can digital tools contribute, and what responsibilities do individuals and communities have in ensuring responsible and sustainable technological use?
Share an example of a digital innovation that has personally influenced you. How has it shaped your interests, hobbies, or potential career choices?
Appendix A - Digital Revolution Timeline
Sources: Science and Technology Facilities Council and additional sources as noted
The transistor is invented; data transfer devices that underpin digital tech
An early pager is launched for physicians in NYC
First commercially available computer released, for simple arithmetic and data handling
APRANET network established: an early precursor to the internet
First email is sent, reading something along the lines of :QWERTYUIOP
First games console released, along with precursor to the iconic game Pong
The laptop computer is born, sporting a screen little bigger than a matchbox
ABBA become the first musical artists to have an album produced on CD
First mobile phone launched, costing ~$4000. (~$12,000 in 2023). A 10-hour charge provides 30 minutes use.
A fully digital camera is released, offering storage for up to 10 photos.
Tim Berners Lee invents the World Wide Web whilst working at CERN
0.05% of people are using the internet
Commercial dial up internet becomes available, cue screeching noises
Smartphone is released, supporting calls, email and fax
Launch of first modern social media site - Six Degrees
Google search engine launched by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Bluetooth technology is introduced to the world
Broadband is introduced to the United Kingdom, providing much faster internet access
Skype launches (precursor to Zoom, Facetime, Google Meets), instantly connecting people around the world via video
Facebook is born, and a new age of social media begins
YouTube launches with a video of the site’s co-founder at the zoo; a clip that has garnered almost 40 million views
The iPhone is launched and smartphones usage explodes
Commercial introduction of 3D printers
Apple’s launch of the iPad propels tablet computers into the mainstream
Bitcoin becomes the first widely accepted fully digital currency
Google begins testing driverless cars
Apple watch is released (wearable computer)
The virtual reality headset, Oculus Rift, becomes available to consumers.
Tiktok surpasses 2 billion mobile downloads worldwide.
63% of the world’s population is connected to the internet
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