Inspire Team

Types of Entrepreneurship

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25 +


The "Entrepreneurship Types Game" is a fun and interactive activity designed to teach learners about the different types of entrepreneurship, including intrapreneurship, lifelong entrepreneurship, hobbyist entrepreneurship, creative entrepreneurship, innovator entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship. Participants will engage in a discussion-based game to match descriptions with the correct entrepreneurship types.




    • Introduction: Start by introducing the concept of entrepreneurship and explaining that there are various types of entrepreneurs, each with unique characteristics and goals.

    • Group Formation: Divide the learners into small groups of 3-5 participants. If it's an in-person setting, ensure each group has a table to work on. In a virtual environment, use breakout rooms for group discussions.

    • Entrepreneurship Type Matching: Provide each group with two sets of cards: one containing the 6 different types of entrepreneurship, and the other containing descriptions of each of those types (intrapreneur, lifelong entrepreneur, hobbyist, creative entrepreneur, innovator, and social entrepreneur). Instruct the groups to match each description with the correct type of entrepreneurship. Encourage them to discuss and debate their choices.

      • Share back: After the matching activity, invite each group to present their findings. Each group will explain their reasoning for each match, and the facilitator will confirm the correct answers.

      • Discussion and Wrap-up: Engage the entire group in a discussion about the different types of entrepreneurship. Explore the unique strengths and characteristics of each type, and encourage learners to reflect on which types resonate with them personally. Invite learners to try to think of someone in their community that matches each type of entrepreneurship. 



      • Prepare cards with descriptions for each type of entrepreneurship.

      • Organize the groups and allocate space for group discussions if in person.

      • Familiarize yourself with the characteristics and traits of each entrepreneurship type.

      Technology Considerations

      If conducting the activity in a virtual setting, ensure participants have access to video conferencing software with breakout room functionality. Also ensure you have prepared digital cards for each group in advance.

      Additional Context

      This activity fosters engagement and encourages participants to actively learn about different entrepreneurship types through group discussions. It promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing among learners.

      Tips for Localization

      • Incorporate local examples or case studies of entrepreneurs who exemplify each type within the learners' community or region. Using SMEs from the Inspire video roster is a great way to add an extra layer of analysis to this activity.

      Debrief Questions

      • Which entrepreneurship types did you connect with the most? Why?

      • How can different types of entrepreneurs work together and support each other in a local economy?

      • How does knowing different entrepreneurship types help you in shaping your own entrepreneurial journey?

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