Tomass Briedis

Out of comfort zone

by .  
50 - 60

This workshop is intended for a big group of people to let them discover the benefits of stepping out of the comfort zone by practical activities


- make people to step out of their comfort zone

- make stronger bonds with other people

- acknowledge your comfort zone



    1. Introduction - advantages and disadvantages of staying in your comfort zone

    2. Activities:

    - Compliment game

    Divide people in 2 equal groups, and make two circles - one inside circle, one outside circle. The inside circle has to face the outside circle. Each person from the outside circle has to compliment the person from the inside circle, and after 15 seconds - outside circle moves one place to the left and does the same. The circle finishes once the outside circle has given the compliments to each person in the inside circle. Then, the circles have to swap with places - outside circle now moves to the inside and other way around. 

    - Eye contact

    People have to group up in pairs with the person they didn’t interact much throughout the previous activities. By facing each other, they have to make eye contact for minute, without speaking. 

    - Hug

    The same pairs from the previous activity have to hug each other for 1 minute. 

    - Trust game

    The same pairs play trust game where each of the participant has to fall in each other hands. One person has to fall backwards and the other person has to catch them. They repeat this activity 3 times. 

    - Share a story

    In this activity people have to make groups of 5 people each. Each of them have to share either a funny, embarrassing story about themselves. 

    - Staring game

    People group up in 5 people each. Each person has to go in the middle and the other will stare at the person in the middle for 45 seconds. People are not allowed to talk, and they should stare at the person in the middle. 

    - Dance in the circle

    People make a group of 5. All of them have to dance, while one person should always be dancing in the middle. They can change places as they wish until the end of the song. 

    - Reflection

    Recommended questions: 

    1. Did you enjoy the activity?

    2. Which activity was the most uncomfortable for you?

    3. Which one was easier for you?

    4. What learnings are you taking from this activity? 

    5. Can these activities be related to your real life


    This activity was produced as part of Erasmus+ youth exchange about employability, and was discovering several topics related to personal development. 

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