Energy Self Assessment
The Power of Full Engagement invites us to look at all four key areas (physical, emotional, spiritual andmental) so that we can powerfully run on all cylinders and check whether we have enough fuel in the tank.
Identify the areas that steals us of energy and engagement and what impact that has on ourselves and the organisation.
SLIDE XX: Energy Self-Assessment
The Power of Full Engagement invites us to look at all four so that we can powerfully run on all cylinders and check whether we have enough fuel in the tank.
A quick checklist to assess what energies (PEMS) we tap into and where we don’t.
Identify the areas that steals us of energy and engagement and what impact that has on ourselves and the organisation.
Take a few moments to fill in this Energy Self-Assessment.
The rating is from 1-5, so answer each one and then add each quadrant/element up.
As you progress through this module, keep these scores at hand and monitor how your energy changes.
Paired share to discuss your highest and lowest and why you scored them in that way (10 mins).
Short debrief (5-10 mins)
Lifting Our Energy & Engagement
Now going to work with those areas more, particularly your lowest scored area.
Set up AI - find a partner to work with. Each pair to interview each other based on AI questions for your weakest area and discuss ideas (note that there are two pages per energy domain – the first one has the interview questions – get people to swap workbooks and write the answers in the person’s workbook – and the second page has some strategies and ideas).
Once AI interviews done, in the workbook there are some example rituals and strategies for building each energy based largely on “The power of full engagement” if they wish to refer to them to get ideas. Each pair to share learnings to the whole group/team.
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