Aga LeśnyEEE Library

Space walk on gumizela

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35 - 4010 - 13


Exploring personal limits.Discovering own potential and inner strengths.Boosting self-confidence.




    Personal aim of the activity is to walk on space line in circle. For this activityparticipants should stay in circle holding tightly rolled lycra tube (might bealso dynamic rope tied in circle). Participants hold the tube on the level oftheir waist.One person climbs up on the tube and starts walking around the circle.Walker can support himself with shoulders of other participants, after walkingfull circle person goes down and exchange with next participant. There shouldbe 1-2 spotters securing walking person. There should be enough participantsable to hold tight gumizela and walking person.


    Explain the weight is divided between all people and group is able to holdperson, as well all participants with different weight can participate.Spotting of walking person is necessary.Participants should be aware the they can’t run or jump on the line.Everyone should hold gumizela all the time to provide possibility forsafe walk.


    How walker behaves on line. Emotion expression of participants.

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