Less is More- an exercise in editing
Less is More- an exercise in editing
by Carrin Robertson for SessionLab.
This exercise is ideal for editing written content in a hands-on way. A simple and effective exercise for editing workshop content or presentation text for talks. Use it when you have to write for a specific audience and want them to stay focused on the most important information.
To narrow down what you have to say into the most the most necessary information.
- To start: get out a pen and paper and write down everything you want to say. This ensures you have all of the information out in black and white. Perhaps set a timer, or assign the exercise as homework. The idea here is to free-flow write.
- Leave a break between the free-flow exercise and the next part- whether that is a day, or a half-hour coffee break, it is entirely up to you. The reason is to be able to come back to the written content with fresh eyes.
- Now comes the editing. A lot of writing is quite self-indulgent, so consider the audience. You may even have a persona created. Cut up sections of the paper, into paragraphs or full ideas.
- Sift through each piece, keeping only what is the most necessary information, and collate it together in one pile.
- Review the remainder, being as critical as possible, always asking if that sentence really is necessary or not.
- Arrange the pieces that you have kept into a logical sequence. The beauty of having physical pieces of paper is that we can get hands-on with our editing.
Recently I had written a LOT of information for a presentation. A day later, I took a second view, and came up with a new method of editing my work. A lot of writing is quite self-indulgent, so I had consider the audience and the time-frame. I cut up sections of the paper, keeping only what was the most necessary information, and collated it together in one pile. The rest I re-visited to decide if it was worth sharing or not. And almost all of what was left wasn’t. In cases where it's likely you’ll have a lot of content, the editing stage is so valuable to ensure your audience has the information relevant to them. Don’t bore their socks off 😉
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