Melissa LaddBCS Facilitators

This or That

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1 - 10

Quick icebreaker to find commonalities among a group. Many facilitators from different organizations have contributed to this exercise as written.



In-person: ask people to pick a side of the room where they align with different dichotomies. Can stand in a circle and people step in if they agree with one answer. Can do "4 corners" if the answers are 4-option. 

Virtual or Hybrid: set up these questions in a Menti poll, or as a shared whiteboard or slide with each person's initials or pics on it where they can move themselves to either end of the line 

Sample choices include (list developed along with many facilitation colleagues)

  • long goodbye or short goodbye
  • handshake or hugger
  • big tipper or minimal tipper
  • reflecting more on past or more looking forward
  • do you do re-caps or wait for someone else to do it?
  • keep concert tix or they go in the trash when you get home?
  • coast or mountains
  • is a hot dog a sandwich, yes or no
  • number of pets
  • early bird or night owl
  • left or right handed (ambi in middle)
  • identify as a mom (brother, sister, uncle, auntie, father, son, daughter, ...)

  • identify as a vegetarian

  • identify as a [insert local university mascot]

  • Bike paddleboard kayak

  • Cadillac or Volkswagen

  • Book / Netflix / Podcast

  • Are you a plant or an animal person?

  • Would you rather be a driver or a passenger?

  • Do you live within 15 minutes of here or farther?

  • Would you star as an extra in: Sharknado or Walking dead? Downton Abbey or NCIS? Marvel or Fairytale? 

  • many others!

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