The win-win game
You will choose, as a team, which letter you will select from either X or Y. On a signal from the banker, you will show your chosen letter. The banker and the teams keep a tally of debits and credits.
Each must select 'X’ or ‘Y' in each round. Money is awarded or taken by the banker according to the scoring key below. Play as many rounds as is necessary to find a winner.
A game for two or more teams, pairs or individuals.The aim is to win as much money as possible from the 'banker' (the facilitator).
Each team has 2 sheets of paper, one with X on it and one with Y on it.
Give the teams the instruction sheet and score sheet.
They play ten rounds. Before the first round, each team discusses among themselves what letter they are going to play, X or Y, based on the score sheet.
If they trust the other teams, each team will play an X. If they all do, they all win £100. However, one or more teams may try to win more money by playing a Y.
That team will win more money, but the other teams will lose money.What most teams forget is the objective of the game, which is to win as much money from you (the banker) as possible.
The only way they will win the most money by the end of the game is by every team playing X every time. But that requires explicit trust.If one team breaks that trust sometime in the game, it is very hard to get the balance back again.
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