Inspire Team

Small Group SCAMPER

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SCAMPER is a mnemonic technique that encourages creative thinking by applying different perspectives to existing products or ideas. In this activity, participants will break into small groups and be assigned a common household item. Using the SCAMPER framework, they will generate new ideas for that item by considering the following categories: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange.

Adapting the Activity for Module: Transforming Systems

This activity can be modified for the Module Transforming Systems, which includes a focus on social innovation. Adapting the SCAMPER activity for social innovation involves shifting the focus from household items to societal challenges. Learners identify social issues relevant to their context and apply the SCAMPER framework to brainstorm creative solutions. Through collaborative exploration, they develop innovative approaches to address pressing community needs. This adaptation promotes creativity, collaboration, and empathy in problem-solving for meaningful societal impact.



    1. Introduce the Activity:

      1. Explain the purpose of the SCAMPER activity, which is to stimulate creative thinking and generate new ideas by taking a common household object and imaging new ways it could be used or modified.

      2. Emphasize that there are no right or wrong answers, and encourage participants to think outside the box.

    2. Form Small Groups:

      1. Divide participants into small groups of 3 to 5 members.

      2. Ensure that each group has a lead to guide the process and keep the discussion on track, and a notetaker to capture their ideas and innovations.

    3. Assign Household Items:

      1. Provide each group with a different common household item. Examples of items that can be assigned to groups are outlined in Appendix A. Explain the SCAMPER Framework:

      2. Ask participants if anyone knows what SCAMPER means. It is featured in the e-learning module so some participants should have covered it prior to the workshop.

      3. Briefly explain the meaning of each letter in the SCAMPER acronym: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange.

      4. Give examples to help participants understand each category.

        1. Sewing thread example

          1. S: Sinew

          2. C: Tufting, quills, or fish scales (to somehow combine with the thread)

          3. A: Fishing line (can be used as fishing line but also substituted with fishing line)

          4. M: Same as above, or can be used to weave a fishing net

          5. P: Same as above, and can be used to tack down quills and/or tuft instead of just being used for beads or stitches

          6. E: Be more eco-friendly by eliminating any synthetic materials and using sinew or other traditional tissues from animals

          7. R: Sewing thread can be used for many different things, even stringing together foods/medicines to preserve, putting up structures, reinforcing camping/hunting gear, weaving fish nets or using as fishing line, and so many other things…

      5. Show participants the SCAMPER spoon video if needed.

      6. Link to the youtube video is here.

    4. SCAMPER Idea Generation:

      1. Instruct each group to select one category from SCAMPER.

      2. Allow time for groups to brainstorm ideas related to their assigned household item using that particular category.

      3. Encourage participants to think creatively and explore various possibilities.

      4. Set a time limit (e.g., 5 minutes) for each category to ensure focus and productivity.

    5. Rotate Categories:

      1. After the allocated time for the first category, instruct groups to rotate to the next category.

      2. Repeat the idea generation process for each category, allowing sufficient time for discussion and idea generation.

      3. Ensure that all categories are covered for each household item.

    6. Presentation and Discussion:

      1. Provide each group with an opportunity to present their ideas to the rest of the participants.

      2. Facilitate a discussion after each presentation, encouraging feedback and additional idea exploration.

    7. Debrief and Reflection:

      1. Conclude the activity with a debriefing session.

      2. Engage participants in a discussion about their experiences and insights gained from the SCAMPER activity.

      3. Encourage participants to reflect on the value of applying different perspectives to generate new ideas.



    • Prepare a list of common household items to assign to each group.

    • Familiarize yourself with the SCAMPER framework and be prepared to explain it clearly to participants.

    • For in person groups, having the assigned household items readily available and accessible to participants may help their creative thinking. 

    Technology Considerations

    • In-person: Ensure that the room is equipped with the necessary presentation materials, such as a flipchart or whiteboard, markers, and sticky notes for group presentations.

    • Virtual: Determine the appropriate online collaboration tool (e.g., Miro, Google Docs) and ensure that all participants have access to it. Familiarize yourself with the tool and provide instructions on how to use it effectively for idea sharing and group collaboration.

    Additional Context

    • Encourage an open and inclusive environment where participants feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions.

    • Emphasize that the purpose of the activity is to stimulate creativity and generate diverse ideas, rather than focusing on evaluating or judging the ideas.

    • Consider the configuration of groups. When configuring breakout groups, aim for balanced engagement by mixing participant types, fostering collaboration, and providing leadership opportunities while considering individual dynamics and communication styles.

    Tips for Localization

    • Modify the list of household items to include objects or products relevant to the local culture or context.

    • Consider local customs, traditions, or items of cultural significance when assigning household items.

    • Encourage participants to explore ideas that align with local needs, preferences, or challenges.

    Debrief Questions

    • How did the SCAMPER framework help you generate new ideas for the assigned household item?

    • Which category (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, or Rearrange) was the most challenging or rewarding for your group? Why?

    • Did any particularly innovative or unexpected ideas emerge during the activity? Share one that stood out to you.

    • How can the SCAMPER framework be applied to other areas of your life or work to spark creativity and problem-solving? How can it be used to solve problems in the community or identify new opportunities?

    • Reflecting on the activity, what insights or lessons have you gained about the importance of approaching challenges from different perspectives?

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    • Provide each group with a different common household item. Examples of items that can be assigned to groups are outlined in Appendix A Where is Appendix A?

      23 days ago