Predict the worst
Beginning a session with anonymous sharing of possible problems
To avoid little/silent participation within a group. To let all the members of a team share their concerns, possible negative outcomes in the working process.by doing it anonymously.
Setting: A sheet of paper per member with the question: "What is the worst situation you expect that can occur during the following meeting?"
The sheet of paper with the question is shared with all the team members. Every team member anonymously writes their suggestions, and then the sheets get collected. Then every single member gives their opinion on resolving all the problems listed.
Usual or Expected Outcomes: Since the method is processed anonymously all the members share their ideas easily. Also, they help in preventing them from occurring during the meeting.
Online tips: Participants answer the given question using online tools(for example Slido, Mural) and their opinions are discussed in the virtual space.
Source: Antoniya Kamenova
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