Media Seat Changers
- All participants build a circle sitting on a chair, one chair is missing and this person stands in the middle of the circle.
- go into the topic of media to start a workshop
All participants build a circle sitting on a chair, one chair is missing and this person stands in the middle of the circle. To get to have a seat this person shares information about her or his personal way of using media, which kind of it, how often, fact-checking or not, sharing news or not and everyday life behaviour focused on the media. This can be one sentence like: “I am used to listening to the news on the radio every morning.”
Everybody in the circle that is doing the same or agrees with the information has to stand up and look for a seat at another chair. The person in the middle also tries to take a seat. There will always be one person in the middle that has to give a new sentence to try to take a seat. In this way, it will not only be an energizer but also already share information about the participants and a reflection of many ways to use and consume media. It will give an overview about the different behavior of the workshop participants concerning the use of media.
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