KISS (Keep/Improve/Stop/Start)
Be able to take a step back on a topic and see how to improve it using KISS model.
The topics can be really different: Ways of working, Communication, Team meeting, ....
Be able to take a step back on a topic and see how to improve it.
The topics can be really different: Ways of working, Communication, Team meeting, ....
Step 0 Introduce the topic the team wants to improve and clarify it with the team
Step 1 (25 min): Break into 3 or 4 subgroups. Each group to think about what we should keep - improve - stop or start for the specific topic defined at the beginning of the exercise
Step 2 (10 min): all groups to present their debrief (elect a spokesman)
Step 3 (10 min): Vote for the ideas/actions the team wants to select
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