Diamond Dance
Get the whole room dancing
Get into a group of 4 people.
Any group not a group of 4 yet?
Stay in line facing the stage
Line up in order of how many hours of sleep you got last night.
Line up in order left to right by age.
Group of 4
- Left to right put in order of: who traveled furthest, how many siblings
- By age, pets, tallest, etc
- Form a diamond of 4, now everybody rotates to face… different wall, creates new “front of
- DIAMOND DANCE: the person in the front leads the diamond
Music: To music
Now line up in diamond shape facing the stage. If you are the front of the diamond. Now rotate 90
degrees . Rotate again facing back wall-person in front of the diamond, raise your hand. (All 4 directions)
We are going to dance and piece of music moves you. When I say rotate you will rotate 90 degrees.
Imitate the dance moves of the person in the front of the diamond. Rotate!! Rotate!! Etc 8X total.
Insider tips from Ted's blog
As with Mirror Dancing, lead dancers make it easier for their followers by moving more slowly. Or, as an alternative, by moving in quick-to-learn repetitive gestures. Dancers can also incorporate and reincorporate elements–movements, sequence, phrases—that other dancers first introduced. That helps make sense of the dance’s storyline, as it were.
Dancers should look forward into the audience, trusting peripheral vision for new cues rather than looking directly toward each other.
The dance gets tough if the transitions get sloppy. Encourage folks to be clear from head-to-toe when they’re turning that they’re handing over control. If the lead turns her hips in a new direction but leaves her shoulders facing the original way, how can the next player know what she means.
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