Hyper Island

Coach Yourself out of a Funk in 3 Steps

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Things can get tough sometimes, it will happen, we are human. Life is full of contrast, good/bad, light/dark, happy/sad, with/without - so we need some processes/tools/methods for facilitating ourselves to a better place. Also, when things are on the up & up, it’s still useful to curate your own toolbox to build up yourself and to support others.


Promote individual well-being and self care by creating a vision of where you want to be and building supporting habits.




    Being "in a funk" is a space of feeling down without being clinically depressed. We are aware that depression can be incapacitating, and if you’re feeling depressed please reach out to someone for support and/or consider contacting a mental health professional. The purpose of the Hyper Island well-being tools is to provide methods for self-care and self-facilitation, to be at our own personal best.

    Step 1: Pause

    Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down these three questions.

    You can do it on a computer or mobile device, or take a break from digital and go with a pen and paper.

    • What do I need that’ll help me move forward?
    • How will I encourage myself today?
    • What can I do to encourage others?

    Step 2: Create a Vision Statement

    A vision statement is a statement of what the future could look like.

    After completing step 1, think about what you want your future to look like – it could be today, 3 weeks, 4 months, or 2 years from now - you decide!

    Ask yourself “what do I really want?”

    • Happiness?
    • Good Health (mental/physical)?
    • Good habits?
    • A relationship?
    • Better balance?
    • New skills?
    • To connect with others?
    • To be in service to others?
    • What else?

    Now create an inspiring statement. Keep it short for easy recall.

    Feeling a bit stuck? It’s ok if you're unsure about what you want… Take it one step at a time. Ask yourself “How do I want to feel?”

    • Happy?
    • Confident?
    • At peace?
    • Rested?
    • Healthy?
    • Competent?
    • Helpful?
    • What else?

    Think about who you admire. This can be someone you know/or not, a historical figure, a fictional character, a superhero, a spirit animal -any inspiring figure you might draw from, that contains the qualities you admire.

    Which qualities do they embody? Identify those and go for something that inspires you! Now create an inspiring statement based on the qualities you want to embody in your own life.

    Step 3: Build Supporting Habits

    Now it’s time to align your behaviors. Create a Tiny Habit (BJ Fogg).

    A Tiny Habit is: a personal behavior you do at least 1x/day, takes less than 30 seconds, and requires little effort.

    Example: I want to relax better at the end of my day.

    A Habit Recipe

    • After I… “have my evening shower” (Anchor moment)
    • I will…. “turn off all notifications for social media” (Tiny Behavior)
    • To wire that into my brain I will… “celebrate by congratulating myself for taking control of my own attention.” (Celebration)

    To read more about Tiny Habits click here.

    Let us know what you think & enjoy your process! Share this tool with others who could use some support in their well-being space!

    “No one is perfect - that’s why pencils have erasers.” -Wolfgang Riebe


    Credit: Hyper Island Original – Created by Dawn Hoenie

    Tiny Habits author BJ Fogg

    Source: Hyper Island toolbox

    Hyper Island designs learning experiences that challenge companies and individuals to grow and stay competitive in an increasingly digitized world. With clients such as Google, Adidas and IKEA, Hyper Island has been listed by CNN as one of the most innovative schools in the world.

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