Mara  CallaertVisuality


by for .  
1 - 20 Medium


The goal is to see how everyone is doing



    Big groups (10+ persons)

    • Take a sheet of paper and a marker and draw an emoji that best describes your mood right now. Then ask participants to hold up their images so they can see everyone’s drawings.
    • Take a sheet of paper and a marker and draw a weather icon that best represents your internal weather report. Then ask participants to hold up their images so they can see everyone’s drawings.
    • Change your background to the cover of an album that represents your mood today.
    • Take a red and a green object that's close to you (you get half a minute). If you agree with the following statements, show the green object. If you don't agree, show the red object. Statements:  
      • Ik heb goed geslapen/ I slept good
      • Ik heb al een koffie op/ I already had a coffee
      • Ik heb al 2 koffie's op/ I already had 2 coffee's, .... 3 coffee's, ..... 4 coffee's
      • Ik ben afgelopen weekend gaan wandelen/ I went for a walk last weekend
      • Ik heb afgelopen jaar meer aan sport gedaan dan ervoor/ I did more sports last year than before
      • Ik heb er zin in vandaag!/ I am looking forward to today!
    • Change your background to a place in the world where you would go right now (when there would be no COVID)

    Small groups (1-12 persons)

    • Every participant tells the rest how they are doing, but they can only use one breath. Then they select another person who will go next, with more breath ofcourse.

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