Setting: comfortable
Time needed: 30 min. to 3 hours
Ideal conditions: A psychologically safe environment: The Alex Osborn Rules of Brainstorming are: - No criticism of ideas - Go for large quantities of ideas - Build on each others ideas - Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas
Pre-Work Required: The focus question needs to be thought out clearly.
1. Ask individuals to first brainstorm 10 - 100 items (depending on the issue and the size of the group.
2. Ask them to select their best answers, often from 3 to 10
3 Collect the ideas, writing them where the group can see them
4. Go to the processing part of the workshop
Follow-Up Required: processing the results of the brainstorm
Usual or Expected Outcomes: lists of ideas beyond the standard answers that everyone knows already
Potential pitfalls: Individuals should do their own brainstorm before the whole group gets it's ideas out otherwise there is a tendency toward group think
How success is evaluated: Lots of unique ideas
Online Tips:
The methodology may be used online using a whiteboard or word cloud to capture the information.
Source: Alex Osborn
History of Development:
Applied Imagination, by Alex Osborn, originally published in 1953
A great deal of discussion is taking place about the effectiveness of brainstorming. The term is used in a variety of ways in meetings.
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