Inspire Team

Types of Businesses

by for .  
15 - 20


In the "Types of Businesses" activity, learners will engage in an exercise to explore different types of businesses in their community. They will be placed in pairs or groups randomly or based on their geographic location and tasked with providing examples for each type of business covered in the curriculum. This activity promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and an understanding of diverse business models.




    1. Explain that they will be exploring different types of businesses and their characteristics. Ask participants if they can identify key characteristics of each type of business, as covered in the e-learning: traditional for-profit, business with a social conscience, cooperatives, social enterprise, and non-profit/charity.

      1. Ensure participants understand the different types, and answer any questions they may have about similarities/differences between them.

      2. Let participants know that sometimes these categories can blur into one another, and some businesses/organizations may appear to fit across more than one, depending on your perspective.

    2. Once the group has covered the basics of each type of business, divide the learners into pairs or small groups based on their location or randomly if by location is not possible.

    3. Ask each pair or group to come up with an example for each type of business based on businesses they are familiar with in their local community. Encourage them to consider businesses that align with the given type and explain why they believe it fits that category. If participants aren’t in groups that are geographically based, asked them to come up with examples that they can think of in general.

      1. Provide sufficient time for pairs or groups to discuss and brainstorm their examples. They should consider the business's mission, structure, and impact on society or the community.

    4. Option: Rather than having the pairs come up with a business/organization that fits each type, have the group brainstorm a list of businesses in their community. Once done, have the learners break into pairs to assign each business to one of the types of business categories.

    5. Conduct a share-out session, where each pair or group presents their example to the larger group. Ensure that each group has the opportunity to share how they’ve categorized each business from their community. There may be differences in understanding so having the group reconvene to discuss is important.

    6. Allow time for questions and discussion after each presentation.



    • Familiarize yourself with the different types of businesses outlined in the e-learning module. 

    Technology Considerations

    • In-Person: No technology is required for this activity.

    • Virtual: If conducting the activity online, ensure learners have access to a video conferencing platform or collaboration tools for pairing up and sharing their ideas. Prepare the breakout groups in advance.

    Additional Context

    Before the activity, provide a brief introduction or review of the different types of businesses, explaining their unique characteristics and social or economic contributions. Consider incorporating real-life examples or case studies to illustrate each type.

    Tips for Localization

    • Encourage learners to think about local businesses in their community that represent the different types. This helps create relevance and fosters a deeper understanding.

    • Adapt the examples and categories to align with the specific context or industry prevalent in the learners' location.

    • When guest speakers are brought into the classroom, consider asking them which business type they most closely identify with (if applicable). This can help deepen participant’s understanding of the different types of businesses.

    Debrief Questions

    • How did your group decide that the selected businesses matched the given type? What particular traits or aspects did you use to make that decision?

    • Did any examples surprise you or challenge your initial understanding of a particular type of business? Why?

    • How do the different types of businesses help society or the community in different ways? Talk about their unique impacts and benefits.

    • Reflecting on the examples shared, what are some similarities or differences among the businesses from various types? How do these factors influence their operations and goals?

    • In your opinion, which type of business has the greatest potential for creating positive social change? Why?

    • As a customer or community member, which type of business are you most likely to support or engage with?

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