Inspire Team

Thought Blender

by for .  
45 - 60


In the "Thought Blender" activity, learners engage in a creative problem-solving exercise by combining elements from two columns to design innovative ideas. The focus is on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and practical problem-solving skills as they relate to social innovations.



    1. Introduce the Activity

      1. Explain the purpose of the "Thought Blender" activity, emphasizing creative thinking and problem-solving.

      2. Divide learners into small groups or pairs

      3. Distribute the 2 column handout from Appendix A.

    2. Select Ideas

      1. Ask groups/pairs to choose one item from Column A and one from Column B. These selections will be the foundation for their creative idea.

    3. Designing the Idea

      1. Instruct learners to design an idea that combines the two words they’ve selected (e.g., waterproof computer).

      2. Encourage them to think creatively and come up with unique and feasible concepts.

    4. Bringing the idea to life

      1. Once learners have made their choices, provide them with the handout from Appendix B.

      2. Review Appendix C as an exemplar with them.

      3. Once they’re ready, give learners time to explore the questions as a means to help them bring their idea to life.

      4. Ensure they capture their ideas in the handout and have someone designated to share back their ideas with the group when it’s time to reconvene.

    5. Ask learners to present their ideas to the group briefly, reviewing each of the questions they covered.

      1. Option: Have presenters and peers rank each idea on a scale of 1-5 for each of the following:

        1. How new is the idea?

        2. How beneficial would this be?

        3. How easy would it be to bring this idea to life?

    6. Debrief

      1. Facilitate a debrief using the questions provided



    • Make copies of all of the Appendices

    • Have enough copies of the handout for all participants.

    • Prepare a space for presentations and discussions.

    Technology Considerations

    • No specific technology is required for this activity. It can be conducted in-person or virtually, depending on the learning environment.

    • Copies of the Appendices in digital format are required for virtual groups.

    Additional Context

    • Consider emphasizing the importance of thinking outside the box and encouraging participants to explore unconventional ideas.

    • Adapt Appendix A by including additional words or items that may be familiar with learners.

    Tips for Localization

    • Including culturally relevant items in the columns.

    • Encouraging participants to draw inspiration from their local environment or community needs.

    Debrief Questions

    • What was the most challenging aspect of combining items from the two columns to create your idea?

    • How did the variety of different ideas contribute to the learning experience?

    • Reflect on the potential real-world applications of some of the ideas you came up with.

      • Did any of the ideas spark a new idea in you?

    • How might this type of creative problem solving in social innovation be applied in your community?

    • Option: How did the ranking from your peers influence your perception of your idea?

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