Inspire Team

The Impact Gap Canvas

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45 +


The Impact Gaps Canvas activity uses systems thinking to analyze challenges within the local food system, exploring their root causes, historical context, and potential future scenarios. Learners collaboratively map out the challenge, identify existing gaps between the issue and current solutions, and brainstorm innovative solutions. This activity aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the complexities within the local food system and inspire creative problem-solving.




    1. Introduction

    • Provide an overview of the Impact Gaps Canvas and its purpose in understanding and addressing challenges.

    • Explain the three sections: Challenge Mapping, Solutions Mapping, and Impact Gaps.

    1. Challenge Selection

    • Facilitate a discussion to collectively choose a specific challenge for the group to focus on.

      • For example, if choosing a challenge within the local food system, you might consider food insecurity, supply chain inefficiencies, or sustainable agriculture practices.

    • Ensure learners agree on the challenge to focus on during the activity.

    1. Challenge Mapping

    • Use the canvas template to guide learners in mapping out the chosen challenge.

    • Encourage learners to answer the questions under the "Challenge Mapping" section, covering descriptions, impacts, causes, and the historical/future context of the selected challenge.

    • This can be done in small groups or as a larger group.

    1. Solutions Mapping

    • Transition to the "Solutions Mapping" section.

    • Collaboratively identify and discuss local and global efforts to address the chosen challenge.

    • Explore what is working, what isn't, and where the current and future focus should be.

    1. Impact Gaps

    • Move to the "Impact Gaps" section.

    • Identify gaps between the challenge and existing solutions.

    • Discuss gaps within the solutions, unaddressed obstacles, and key lessons learned.

    1. Debrief and close



    • Familiarize yourself with the local food system context and potential challenges.

    • Prepare large sheets of paper or digital templates for each group to create their Impact Gaps Canvas.

    • Ensure markers, sticky notes, or digital tools are available for learners to map out their ideas.

    Technology Considerations

    If applicable, ensure access to digital collaboration tools for a virtual or hybrid workshop. If face-to-face, consider having digital resources available for future reference.

    Additional Context

    Share insights on the importance of understanding whatever challenge is explored, emphasizing the interconnectedness of challenges and solutions.

    Tips for Localization

    Encourage learners to choose a challenge relevant to their local community, ensuring the activity resonates with their experiences and concerns.

    Debrief Questions

    • What did you learn from mapping out the challenge and solutions?

    • Were there common themes?

    • Was anything surprising?

    • How could the Impact Gaps Canvas be used by community groups to address the chosen challenge?

    • What can you do to take action towards the identified gaps?

    • Can you think of any ways the impact gap canvas could be helpful for you in the future? 

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