Inspire Team


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This activity focuses on enhancing communication skills by emphasizing the sender-receiver dynamics and the importance of clear messaging. Participants will engage in a structured conversation exercise in pairs to practice effective communication.




    • Begin by explaining the purpose of the activity, which is to improve communication skills, active listening, and understand the impact of clear messaging. Explain that there is a difference between listening to understand, versus listening to respond. We’ll be practicing listening to understand in this activity.

    • Divide the participants into pairs, whether they are in a physical workshop space, attending virtually, or in a hybrid setting.

      • Ensure each pair has a relatively quiet space to talk (break out rooms can be used in a virtual environment if prepared in advance).

    • Share the communication model with the participants, emphasizing the four main points:

      • Sender (sends the message by answering the question prompt chosen)

      • Receiver (listens, processes, and paraphrases the sender’s messages, in their own words, or asks for clarification)

      • Sender (clarifies their message if needed, adds to their original message)

      • Receiver (confirms their understanding of the clarifications and additions).

      • See Appendix A for a visual

    • Instruct the pairs to take turns asking each other three of the provided questions. Emphasize that the sender is the person who is answering the question that is chosen, and the receiver is the person listening to the response and ensuring they understand.

    • Allow each person in the pair to ask their three questions, ensuring they practice clear communication.

    • Set a timer for ten minutes to give participants time to engage in the conversation exercise.

    • After the allotted time, regroup all participants for a reflective discussion



    • Prepare the list of questions and have them ready for distribution.

    • Ensure breakout rooms are set up if the activity is conducted virtually.

    • Test any technology and audio-visual equipment if the workshop is delivered in a hybrid format.

    Technology Considerations

    • For virtual deliveries, ensure that participants have access to the required platform and can join breakout rooms.

    • Test audio and video functionality if necessary.

    Additional Context

    Highlight the significance of clear communication in various contexts, including personal and professional life, and that effective communication is both the responsibility of the sender and the receiver. Emphasize how miscommunication can occur and its consequences.

    Tips for Localization

    • Encourage participants to consider cultural and linguistic differences that may affect communication styles.

    • Adapt the questions to be relevant to the participants' backgrounds or experiences, and/or provide them with the opportunity to discuss something personal or local (i.e. their thoughts on a local current event).

    Debrief Questions

    • How did practicing clear communication impact the exchange of information during this exercise?

    • What strategies or techniques did you use to ensure your messages were understood and accurately received?

    • Did you ever find your mind wandering or not focused on what the other person was saying? Why do you think that sometimes happens?

    • Did any pairs experience miscommunication? What happened? Were you able to fix that miscommunication?

    • Did you notice any patterns in how people clarified messages or sought confirmation? How did this affect the quality of communication in the pairs?

    • Can you think of any real-life scenarios where this type of communication would be important?

      • Examples: This type of communication could be great if you had a business where you needed to understand what the client/customer wants from you (for example, a consulting business, or a product design business). 

    Appendix A: An Effective Communication Model

    Source: An effective communications model image sourced from:


    Appendix B: Questions for Pairs

    • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

    • Would you like to be famous? In what way?

    • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

    • Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

    • What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

    • What does community mean to you?

    • Have you ever gone hunting or harvesting? What did you get?

    • How would you describe life in Yukon/NWT/Nunavut to someone in the South?

    • Do you like to take the long way home? What makes it the “long way”?

    • What’s your favourite traditional activity?

    • What’s your least favourite season, and why?

    • Choose your own question

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