Inspire Team

Networking Role Play

by for .  
50 - 60


This activity is a role play that simulates a networking event, assigning learners specific roles with unique goals. The objective for each learner is to engage in networking while embodying these roles, and seeking connections that will help them accomplish their goals.




    • Introduction: Ask learners to share what they know about networking. Ensure they identify the following:

      • Networking is about developing connections, usually in a professional setting, with people who share common goals, experiences, and values

      • It’s about forming a connection that will support both people

      • It’s about Building genuine relationships that will come in handy in the long run

      • Focus on building strong connections rather than just collecting contacts (Quality over quantity)

      • Networking is ongoing: A networking event is just the beginning of your relationship! Relationships take time and effort to maintain.

    • Networking tips: Begin by sharing essential networking tips to guide participants throughout the activity. Emphasize the importance of clear goals, authenticity, active listening, and follow-up.

      • Set Clear Goals: define what you want to achieve from networking to help focus your conversations

      • Be Authentic: be genuine! This helps build trust and attract the people you genuinely want to connect with.

      • Listen Actively: pay attention to other people’s ideas and perspectives and be open to finding connections in unexpected places.

      • Initiate Conversations: don’t be afraid to start conversations! Oftentimes breaking the ice is the hardest part. Use open-ended questions to encourage the other person to speak.

      • Follow Up: After networking events, follow up with your connections and say thank you or present a specific way you would like to connect again.

      • Offer Help and Support: be willing to offer support to others-this is a great way to build a strong relationship (plus, good karma!)

      • Quality over quantity: Focus on building strong connections rather than just collecting contacts

      • Networking is ongoing: The networking event is just the beginning of your relationship! Relationships take time and effort to maintain.

    • Networking Role Play: Introduce the activity and let learners know they will be participating in a role play activity where they will be assigned a role for a networking event in their community.

      • They will have a specific goal that they will need to accomplish while networking. Assign a role card to each learner (you can assign them or have them pick a role out of a hat).

      • Let learners know that they will then spend 15-20 minutes networking - going around the room, meeting and talking to the others, and seeing if they can effectively network to meet their goal.

      • Encourage learners to interact, introducing themselves as their assigned roles, and making connections to help them achieve their goals.

      • Remind learners act just as they would in a real life networking situation - that includes starting with small talk, introductions, and slowly getting to know someone.

      • Encourage learners to embody their roles, and to get creative in thinking about how they could connect with and/or build a relationship with other people.

    • Goal Reflection: Once the Networking Role Play is done, gather learners and have each learner reflect on whether they met their networking objectives and what connections they established.

    • Debrief: Facilitate a discussion on shared experiences, successful networking approaches, and the importance of community connections using the debrief questions provided below. .



    • Prepare role descriptions in advance, ensuring each role has a clear goal and relevant details for networking.

    • Ensure there are enough roles for each of the learners to have a unique role. This may mean creating additional roles.

    • Ensure each of the roles selected (if not using all the role cards) has at least 1 potential connection within the other roles for the networking event.

    Technology Considerations

    • This activity is best suited for in-person cohorts.

    • However, if time permits, and suitable breakout groups can be created, this could be modified into a speed dating type activity where learners move from break out room to breakout room in order to network.

    Additional Context

    • Emphasize the importance of having goals when going into networking opportunities to help you focus your efforts and conversations and ensure you are making the best connections, while still remaining open to new opportunities

    Tips for Localization

    • Adapt the role play activity, such as the location and type of event, and customize assigned roles to be relevant to the community context.

    Debrief Questions

    • What did you like about the activity? How did it make you feel?

    • Did you reach your networking goals for your role? How?

    • What strategies did you use to make connections in the community? What worked best?

    • Did you face any problems while making connections? How did you deal with them?

    • How much do you think making connections in the community helps with achieving your personal and professional goals?

    • What did you learn about networking that you can use in your everyday life?

    • Is there anything that you wish you did differently? Why? 

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