Inspire Team

Money Circle and Money Style

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This activity aims to help learners identify the people in their money circle and recognize how thoughts and feelings about money shape their choices. Through a dynamic game, learners will identify the people in their money circle who shape their choices about money, and recognize how those thoughts and feelings about money contribute to their money style. 



    1. Introduction

      1. Explain the concepts of money circle and money style.

      2. Emphasize that the people close to us (money circle), can impact the way we handle finances (money style)

      3. This activity will help learners explore their money circles and money styles.

    2. Activity Overview

      1. Explain that the random number generator has numbers 1 through 10 on it, and each number corresponds to a question about money choices.

      2. The questions are designed to get them to think about their own money circles and money styles. There are no right or wrong answers.

      3. OPTION: For in person groups, a ball with numbers 1-10 can be used. The group stands in a circle and tosses the ball to one another. Wherever the learner’s left index finger (or whatever finger is chosen) lands, they are asked that question. This is an option to get learners up and moving.

    3. Activity Rules:

      1. Learners should try to give some detail or an example to their answers. It’s best to avoid one word answers.

      2. Learners should keep their responses to 30 seconds, to allow for everyone to have a turn.

      3. If anyone is uncomfortable sharing their answers, they can ask for a different question or choose to pass.

      4. The same questions will come up multiple times and can be answered by different learners.

    4. Start the Activity

      1. Facilitate the game using a random number generator (digital, numbers in a hat, or on a ball as mentioned above).

      2. As a facilitator, take the first turn answering a question.

      3. Instruct learners to respond to the question corresponding to their number.

      4. Take turns, ensuring active participation.

    1. Debrief

      1. Facilitate a debrief using the questions provided below.



    Print off a copy of the Appendix A: "10 Money Circle and Money Style Questions"

    Technology Considerations

    Ensure access to the virtual spinner or random number generator in the online setting.

    Additional Context

    Be mindful of the fact that money trauma is a reality for many people. Create a safe space for people to share, but also acknowledge that this type of conversation can be difficult for many learners.

    Option: The questions used in this activity can be modified into a reflection exercise for learners to do on their own. A worksheet would need to be created to enable this.

    Tips for Localization

    Tailor the scenarios or questions to be culturally relevant, ensuring they resonate with the diverse experiences of the learners.

    Debrief Questions

    • Did any of the questions surprise you or make you think differently about your relationship with money? Which one and why?

    • Did anyone share a perspective or experience during the activity that resonated with you or surprised you?

    • Did anyone feel uncomfortable sharing or discussing their money circle/style?

    • Looking back on the questions asked during the activity, is there anything you wish we had discussed further or any additional questions you have about money circles and money styles?

    • How can recognizing and understanding different money styles within a group be beneficial?

    • What’s one thing you learned or want to remember from the activity? 

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