Jan Sage

Interactive Lecture: Summarize

by for .  

Brief active response during a presentation or (shudder) lecture, can take 2 minutes or 10, can be silent or voiced.


For Facilitator:  to wake up participants, discover their level of understanding, encourage collaboration, prompt deeper thinking

For Learner:  Engagement with content, deeper understanding of subject matter, collaboration with a partner (optional).

See note 1 below: Summarizing is a cognitively active process in which learners must first select the core ‘message’ from a source. Then they look for connections between the new subject matter they just engaged with. Finally, they try to link it to their prior knowledge and make meaning out of it. This process helps them to get a deeper understanding of the subject matter.



    • Share the definition of a summary:
      • Rephrase the key information just covered into your own words
      • "Tweet-length" either 140 or 280 characters, or
      • 1-2 sentences
    • Instructions - 2 options
      • Take 30-60 seconds to reflect and write your response to the question.
      • Question: What is your brief summary of the content (in this section, presentation, module, etc.)?
        • Chat Option. After solo reflection, participants will use CHAT to share,
          • Enter your joint summary in CHAT for a "Chat Reveal"
            • Chat Reveal RULES: enter text but don't "send"
            • On facilitator's signal, all SEND simultaneously
            • Allow time for reading and facilitator responses
        • Breakout Activity option. Optional if time, make this a breakout activity of 3-7 minutes, adjust for available time, but you can do it in a very short time.
          • Question: What is your best joint summary of the content (in this section, presentation, module, etc.)?
          • 3 minutes: Partners compare their summaries, collaborate to combine both sets of ideas into their best effort.
          • 1 minute each: acknowledge your partner for what you learned from them, what inspired you, what you appreciate.
          • Share with large group (3-4 voices or adjust for time available) what you learned from your partner or appreciated about what your partner brought to the collaboration.
          • Enter your joint summary in CHAT for a "Chat Reveal"
            • Chat Reveal RULES: enter text but don't "send"
            • On facilitator's signal, all send simultaneously
            • Allow time for reading and facilitator responses
        • Acknowledge all efforts, resist judging a "best" effort, transition to your next activity or content. Don't forget to save the CHAT.


    Inspired by working with XCHANGE, the need to supply my SMEs with Interactive Lecture methods and help them with simple ways to engage their learners. Informed by:

    Note 1: LET’S GET TO WORK WITH PRODUCTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: SUMMARISING From <https://3starlearningexperiences.wordpress.com/2021/03/23/lets-get-to-work-with-productive-learning-strategies-summarising/

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