Inspire Team

Career Quiz and Scavenger Hunt

by for .  
45 - 50


This activity aims to guide learners in exploring potential career options based on their skills and interests. Through a career quiz and a career scavenger hunt, learners will delve into various aspects of their top career choices, gaining insights into what that career entails, including education requirements, skills needed, work environments, and more.




    1. Introduction

      1. Begin by explaining the purpose of the activity: to help learners explore potential career paths aligned with their skills and interests.

      2. Emphasize that the activity involves a career quiz to identify interests and a career scavenger hunt to research top career choices.

    2. Career Quiz

      1. Direct earners to the provided career quiz link: Career Quiz.

      2. Let learners know they’ll be completing the quiz titled Interests, but they are welcome to return to the other quiz activities on their own at a later time to continue exploring career options.

      3. Allow Learners time to complete the quiz individually, focusing on their preferences and interests.

    3. Career Scavenger Hunt

      1. Once learners have completed the quiz, distribute the career scavenger hunt worksheets either as handouts or through a digital platform like Miro.

      2. Instruct Learners to choose their top career option from the quiz results (or top 2-3 if they are undecided).

      3. Encourage Learners to research each chosen career, answering scavenger hunt questions such as education requirements, necessary skills, work environment, career prospects, and more.

        1. Encourage learners to do research using google, and the Government of Canada’s Labour job profiles

        2. Learners may also find some interesting information at My Next Move (important to note this is an American website).

    4. Group Discussion and debrief

      1. Bring Learners back together for a brief group discussion.

      2. Ask Learners to share insights from their career exploration journey, highlighting interesting findings or surprises.

      3. Use the provided debrief questions to guide a reflective discussion (see Debrief Questions section).


    Technology Considerations

    • For in-person sessions, ensure learners have access to computers/internet for research.

    • Provide clear instructions for virtual learners on how to access and use online resources.

    Additional Context

    • Highlight the universal applicability of career exploration and the importance of aligning personal interests with career choices.

    Tips for Localization

    • Research and include available local jobs (posted on job boards) or career options in the community/territory ahead of time.

    • Be prepared to facilitate a discussion around what career options are available to Northerners, and what barriers exist.

      • Examples could include becoming trained in a helping profession (teacher, doctor, nurse, midwife, social worker, etc…) but having to leave the territory or their home communities in order to access that education.

    Debrief Questions

    • How did the career quiz align with your expectations, and did it reveal any surprises about your interests?

    • What key insights did you gain from the career scavenger hunt about your top career choices?

    • Were there any challenges or unexpected discoveries during your research?

    • How might the information gathered influence your future career decisions or educational pursuits?

    • Did the activity change your perspective on certain careers, and if so, how?

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