CLAIRE BRUELAirbus Leadership University

Assign roles in a meeting

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You assign some predefined roles to the meeting participants that will support the meeting.



Let people be active during the meeting by taking on some roles while easing the meeting exchanges. As people may take different roles from a meeting to another, it helps them to understand others perspectives when they will take a role he/ she  already took on her/ himself .



    Instructions for the full physical practice

    At the beginning of the meeting, prepare 'role cards' (you could find some at LeadershipUniversity) named 'Facilitator', 'External Eye', 'Scribe', 'Time-keeper' and several ones 'Participant'. 

    Note: you can add the 'Decision pusher' role, if you feel the group has difficulties to end discussions.

    Decide the roles you need and keep the number of cards corresponding to the number of participants. 

     Each participant then draws a card and plays the role assigned on the card.

    Note: each participant needs to understand what the role is about, so make sure people know what they are expected to do within their role (refer to roles description) 

    Instructions for the remote practice (can be also used even if in  full physical attendance) 

    Prepare the list of the roles named 'Facilitator', 'External Eye', 'Scribe', 'Time-keeper' and several ones 'Participant'.

    Note: you can add the 'Decision pusher' role, if you feel the group has difficulties to end discussions.

    Decide the roles you need and keep the number of cards corresponding to the number of participants.

    Assign a number to each role and ask each participant to choose a number in the range you defined.

    Each participant will play the role corresponding to his/ her chosen number.

    Note: each participant needs to understand what the role is about, so make sure people know what they are expected to do within their role (refer to roles description) 

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