Carrin Robertson


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You have a wealth of brilliant ideas, and it can be a challenge to select which to take forward to develop further. 

This game will help you decide on, and select winning ideas.



By narrowing your focus, you'll choose a selection of ideas that equally define your project brief, and excite you.




    Rules of the Idea Vault

    How this game works

    • Ideas are chosen at random from previous Ideas Generation sessions.
    • You must travel through the game, answering questions, until the idea is either shortlisted as a winner, or goes into the Ideas Vault! A “YES” means move to the next round, and a “NO” sends it straight to the Vault!
    • If an answer to a question can’t be mutually agreed, it goes to a vote.
    • The Ideas Vault is a place to park ideas that might not be attainable right now, but perhaps worth considering in future.
    • Keep playing until you have discussed all of your ideas, and have a shortlisted selection.

    Your Game Masters (the facilitators)

    Introduce themselves. (Photos and names can be added to the Canva template)

    Players (the workshop participants)

    Introduce themselves, (Photos and names can be added to the Canva template)

    How to play the Ideas Vault!

    Follow along and have fun!

    • There is a total of 4 minutes allotted for each idea. There are four rounds, you have one minute per question.
    • Questions have YES or NO answers and are designed to be answered quickly.
    • If you run out of time, there is an extra 20 seconds per question to vote YES or NO. Majority wins.
    • If an idea goes to the Ideas Vault, you start from Round 1 with a new idea.
    • Winning Ideas will be shortlisted and presented at the end of the game.

    Set Up

    IDEAS TO DISCUSS (consider ideas from previous Ideas Generation exercises)

    - (idea 1)

    - (idea 2)

    - (idea 3

    - (idea 4

    - (idea 5)

    Details of Project Brief and/or a Defined Question (this could be from previous stages in Design Thinking workshops, or a clear goal you'd like your project to achieve)

    Are you ready to play?

    Select your first idea.

    Choose at random, each idea will get it’s turn in the spotlight.

    With your idea in mind consider the following questions:

    Round 1

    Does it answer the defined question in your project brief?


    If you answered YES, you can move onto the next round.

    If you answered NO, it goes into the Ideas Vault (and you start again with another idea at round one)

    [Into the Vault!]

    Ideas can stay here for safe-keeping. They may not be right for this project, but could be revisited in future.

    Round 2

    Is this idea exciting to you?

    You may wish to think of prompts and further questions, such as:

    -Do you feel inspired and energised by this idea?

    -Has this been done before?

    -Am I overwhelmed by this idea?


    If you answered YES, you can move onto the next round.

    If you answered NO, it goes into the Ideas Vault (and you start again with another idea at round one)

    Round 3

    Is it within the scope of the project?

    You may wish to consider if the idea is actionable within our timeline, our budget and our resources.


    If you answered YES, you can move onto the next round.

    If you answered NO, it goes into the Ideas Vault (and you start again with another idea at round one)

    Round 4

    Will it meet future needs?

    Considerations here could be asking ourselves if it fits the users needs, and does it serve them well in the long-term? Will this idea need to be amended int he near future, or does it have longevity?


    If you answered YES, you have a Winning Idea!

    If you answered NO, it goes into the Ideas Vault (and you start again with another Idea at round one)


    Time for a quick water break!

    The Game Masters will determine the Winning Ideas

    It’s Results Time!

    [We display the Shortlisted Winners list]

    This is your list of Shortlisted Winners! 

    These ideas can progress your Project Brief, through further development.

    Ideas in the Vault

    Ideas can stay here for safe-keeping. They may not be right for this project, but could be revisited in future.

    Thank You!

    Until our next game!


    Adapted from The Design Thinking Playbook & Workbook. I also used a Canva template to turn it into an interactive game.

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